Trzy dni temu poprosilem Sw. Mikolaja o wycieczke na Droge Smierci. (Yungas Road) Mikolaj zainkasowal 500 boliwianos (70 USD) i powiedzial, ze 6 grudnia o 8:15 mam czekac na prezent. I tak tez sie stalo.
3 days ago I asked Santa Clause for the ticket to the Death Road (Yungas Road). Mr. Claus got 500 bolivianos (70 USD) and said that on the 6th of December at 8:15 I have to wait for the gift. And that was it.
3 days ago I asked Santa Clause for the ticket to the Death Road (Yungas Road). Mr. Claus got 500 bolivianos (70 USD) and said that on the 6th of December at 8:15 I have to wait for the gift. And that was it.
Tak na prawde to caly ten zjazd rowerem Droga Smierci to jedna wielka komercha. Firm ktore obsluguja takie imprezy jest w La Paz od groma. Niemnie jednak bylo kilka interesujacych momentow, z ktorych najbardziej zapadlo mi w pamiec, jak nasz bus (12 osob plus 7 rowerow na dachu) wyprzedzal pod gorke, na zakrecie, na podwojnej ciaglej drugi bus i ten drugi bus uznal nasze wyprzedzanie za wyzwanie i dodal gazu. W koncu zesmy go lykneli, ale nie bylo latwo. Co do bezpieczenstwa - jesli jest sie rozwaznym, to ciezko z niej spasc.
To be honest all this downhill by bike on the Road of Death is a big business here in La Paz. There are numerous companies in the capital providing these kind of attraction for rich tourists. Actually, I think the most dangerous part of this trip was riving a bus full of bikes and people up the hill. The way Bolivians drive is just crazy.
To be honest all this downhill by bike on the Road of Death is a big business here in La Paz. There are numerous companies in the capital providing these kind of attraction for rich tourists. Actually, I think the most dangerous part of this trip was riving a bus full of bikes and people up the hill. The way Bolivians drive is just crazy.
Caly pomysl z ta nietania wycieczka zrodzil sie z braku czasu (i troche checi) na przemierzenia El Choro Treku (, czyli w skrocie zejscie z przeleczy wznoszacej sie tuz na La Paz (La Cumbre 4650 m npm) do jungli po drugiej stronie (wschodniej) Andow. Trek trwa 2-3 dni, jest maczacy dla kolan, dziki (choc i tak przystepny jak na te gory) i trzeba miec wszystko ze soba. Nastepnym razem.
The idea to downhill the Death Road was due to the lack of time to complete El Choro Trek - 3 day journey from La Cumbra Pass down East to the jungle. Downhill was just a trick to save some time and see what's on the other side of the Andes.
Ale wracajac do meritum. Zjazd startowal z wyzej wspomnianej przeleczy na 4600 a konczyl sie w okolicach miejscowosci Coroico na wysokosci 1200m npm. Dlugosc trasy okolo 60 km. Warto przeczytac ten artykol o ww. drodze: Niedawno zbudowana alternatywna droga smierci odciazyla ruch na tej wlasciwej i dlatego na calej trasie minelismy tylko kilka samochodow. Poza tym lal deszcz i wszedzie byly chmury (w sumie na szczescie) i nie bylo widac przepasci pod nogami, tj. kolami. Co ciekawe na drodze obowiazuje ruch lewostronny, takze jedziemy zaraz kolo urwiska. Zjazd skladal sie z kilku odcinkow: przelecz La Cumbra - poczatek Drogi Smierci (po asfalcie), wlasicwa droga po szutrze i reszta wlasciwej drogi - juz raczej na luzaku.
Getting back to the point - the trip started at la Cumbre Pass at 4600m and finished around Coroico at 1200m. The lenght of the road is around 60km. Recently the new Yungas road was build , that's why there is no much traffic on the Death Road anymore. What's interesting is that you drive it on the left side, not the right side like the rest of the roads here.
Getting back to the point - the trip started at la Cumbre Pass at 4600m and finished around Coroico at 1200m. The lenght of the road is around 60km. Recently the new Yungas road was build , that's why there is no much traffic on the Death Road anymore. What's interesting is that you drive it on the left side, not the right side like the rest of the roads here.
Tak kiedys wygladala ta droga jak jezdzily po niej autaa - nieprawdopodobne.
Najbardziej z tej imprezy podobaly mi sie zmieniajace sie krajobrazy. Z Altiplano do dzungli, a potem z powrotem z dzungli na altiplano po tej unowoczesnionej drodze smierci, ktora doslownie zawieszona jest w chmurach, przez ktore przebijalismy sie naszym dzielnym busem. Rozmiary gor sa przytlaczajace, a to tylko jedna dolina.
What I liked the most from this trip was the changing landscapes. From Altiplano, over the Andes to the jungle. Getting back on the New Road of Death was also quite an experience - endless twists and turns, up to the sky.
PS. Warto zajrzec jeszcze tutaj: / Worth seeing this:
I tutaj: / And this:
Tyle na razie! Jutro nad jezioro Titicaca.
That's all for now. Heading to the Titicaca Lake tomorrow.
What I liked the most from this trip was the changing landscapes. From Altiplano, over the Andes to the jungle. Getting back on the New Road of Death was also quite an experience - endless twists and turns, up to the sky.
PS. Warto zajrzec jeszcze tutaj: / Worth seeing this:
I tutaj: / And this:
Tyle na razie! Jutro nad jezioro Titicaca.
That's all for now. Heading to the Titicaca Lake tomorrow.